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Helpful Information


There is nothing like birth, a new life, the excitement, the fear, the happiness!!


Your babies first breath, first cry and first cuddle with mom and dad, these moments can never be re-done. 


When you hire a professional Birth Photographer you can rest assured that the birth of your son/daughter will be captured with crisp, clean, and clear photos that will last you a lifetime. You can even add a professional slide-show or a photobook for added memories.


Will it be weird or uncomfortable having a photographer in the room?

First of all I will meet with you before you are 36 weeks so that I'am not a complete stranger to you. I plan to arrive when you are in active labor or at least 6cm dialted, at this point most women will not notice much going on around them. I try my best to fade into the background, I will not talk unless spoken too and I will be as invisible as possible. And just to put your mind at ease, I myself have two children, twins in fact and I have had more people (doctors, nurses, med students etc.) look at my "downtown area" then you would care to wish. So I have been there and I have seen it before so its nothing new to me.


Aren't the photos graphic?

Birth Photography tells the story of your childs journey into the world. It displays how you and your partner connect and help each other. It shows mom & dads emotion as your brand new baby is brought into the world, and most of all it documents the very first time you meet your baby. It also captures the very first time your baby opens his/her eyes, the first breath, and first cry. these moments as said before, can never be re-done.



Birth can be a very intimate time, and I respect that to the fullest. I will never post ANY photos that show any type of nudity. After you are home and settled in we will have a personal photo vewing session where you will have the power to choose which photos can be shared online on the website or facebook page.


Can a hospital birth be photographed?

YES! Most hospitals allow more people to be in the birthing room than ever before. You are free to have who you like in the room with you. A practitioner may request that their photo not be taken, and I respect that, but otherwise, it’s your birth, and your right to have it captured by a professional. 


What if I need a C-Section?

There are lots of special moments to be had before and after a c-section. I myself had a c-section. I would be able to capture the moments before your surgery and spend time with dad and baby afterwards capturing their special bond. Sometimes if you have a laid back doctor they will allow the photographer into the surgery suite. 


What if you don't make it in time?

I always suggest packing your own camera just incase. And if something happens and I cannot make it you will be refunded in full. This will all be discussed at our first meeting.


How long will you be at the birth?

There is no set time limit due to the unpredictable nature of births. I will arrive at your birth location once it is confirmed that you are indeed in active labor (6-7 cm dialated) and I will stay afterwards for 1-2 hours to capture the baby’s first moments, bath, meetings with friends/family, etc.




A great line of communication is key when you hire a birth photographer. I provide my # at our inital meeting and I do ask that throughout the pregnancy you do text or call after doctor or midwife appt's just to keep me updated on how things are going, this also helps me prepare ahead of time for the special day. When that day comes I ask that you text me or call me when you head to the hospital, then I would like you to CALL me when you are in active labour ex. 6-7 cm dialated. Please do not be afraid to call even if it is the middle of the night, this is what you hired me to do and I'am not going to be upset if you wake me up in the middle of the night :)



Do I need to do anything to prepare?

The most important thing you should do is check with your doctor or midwife to make sure that birth photography is allowed in their facility and if there are any rules regarding my presence.  It’s always a good idea to let them know  that I will be there and make sure they are okay with it. I have yet to hear of a time when it is not allowed, however sometimes (especially during hospital births) there are rules at certain times during the process when they ask no photos be taken.  I always respect the attending medical staff and follow their requirements.

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